
Wednesday 17 March 2021

HADOOP COMMANDS - hadoop fs or hdfs dfs

  1. root
  2. version of ubuntu/java
  3. how to add user in ubuntu
  4. how to delete user in ubuntu
  5. how to check the user's list in ubuntu
  6. how to distinguish local file system with distributed file system 
  7. list out all the commands used in hadoop 
  8. fsck
  9. hadoop version
  10. ls/lsr
  11. mkdir
  12. touchz / appendToFile
  13. copyFromLocal / put
  14. copyToLocal / get
  15. mv 
  16. cp
  17. chown
  18. chgrp
  19. setrep 
  20. du
  21. df
  22. stat
  23. help
  24. count

1. root:

How to check whether u r in root r not 

id -u

2.version of ubuntu/java

How to know the version of ubuntu

lsb_release -a

How to know the java version of ubuntu

java -version;javac -version

3.add user:

How to add the user in  ubuntu

sudo adduser usrk

4. delete user:

How to delete the user in  ubuntu

sudo deluser usrk

but it is not going to delete the user in order to delete we use

sudo rm -r usrk

How to check the userlist  in  ubuntu

ls /home/

6.local file system & Distributed file system :
How to know local file system commands used in hadoop

hduser@rk-virtual-machine:~$ ls

Distributed file system commands used in hadoop 

hduser@rk-virtual-machine:~$ hdfs dfs -ls /

7.list out all the commands used in hadoop 

How to know what are the commands used in hadoop

hadoop fs -help

hadoop fs

How to check the file system check healthy r not
hdfs fsck / 
hadoop fsck /
How to use fsck commands in hadoop :
In this example, we are trying to check the health of the files in ‘test’ directory present in HDFS using the fsck command.
Usage:hadoop fsck <path> [ -move | -delete | -openforwrite] [-files [-blocks [-locations | -racks]]]

9.hadoop version :
How to check the hadoop version
Usage: version
hadoop version
hdfs version
10. ls/lsr:
How to check  hdfs / hadoop root 
Usage:hadoop fs -ls /path

hadoop fs -ls /
 hdfs dfs -ls / 

 hadoop fs -lsr / OR  hadoop fs -ls -R /
 hadoop fs -lsr /  OR  hdfs dfs -ls -R /

11. mkdir:
How to create directory in hadoop
Usage:hadoop fs –mkdir /path/directory_name

hadoop fs -mkdir /test
hdfs dfs -mkdir /test

hadoop fs -mkdir -p /ram/sita OR  hadoop fs -mkdir -p /ram/sita
hadoop fs -mkdir -p /ram/sita OR  hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /ram/sita


12. touchz / appendToFile:
How to create file ZERO BYTE FILE and NON ZERO BYTE FILE in hadoop
Usage:hadoop fs –touchz /directory/filename 

1) hadoop fs -touchz /virat.txt          ZERO BYTE FILE 


 hdfs dfs -touchz /virat.txt

2) hadoop fs -appendToFile - /dhoni.txt    NON ZERO BYTE FILE 
    hdfs dfs -appendToFile - /dhoni.txt

In this case you need to write some text

for example dhoni is a boy Ctrl  + d         


13. copyFromLocal / put:
How to create -copyFromLocal OR -put  into hadoop   (Local to Hadoop)
Usage:hadoop fs -copyFromLocal <localsrc> <hdfs destination>
1) hadoop fs -copyFromLocal tanmai.txt /chiru
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal tanmai.txt /chiru

Usage:hadoop fs -put
<localsrc> <hdfs destination>

2) hadoop fs -put sita.txt  /chiru
    hdfs dfs -put sita.txt /chiru

In this case it puts the file sita.txt from local to hadoop for that you need to create a file in local file system first and then it should be copyFromLocal to distributed file system 

14. copyToLocal / get:
How to create -copyToLocal OR -get  from hadoop   (Hadoop to Local)
Usage:hadoop fs -copyToLocal <hdfs source> <localdst>
1) hadoop fs -copyToLocal  /chiru/tanmai.txt /home/hduser/ramcharan/
hdfs dfs -copyToLocal /chiru/tanmai.txt /home/hduser/ramcharan/

Usage:hadoop fs -get <hdfs source> <localdst>

2) hadoop fs -get /chiru/hari.txt /home/hduser/ramcharan/
hdfs dfs -get /chiru/hari.txt /home/hduser/ramcharan/

In this case it puts the file hari.txt from hadoop to local for that you need to create a dummy directory (ramcharan)in local first and then it should be copyToLocal
How to use mv commands in hadoop
The HDFS mv command moves the files or directories from the source to a destination within HDFS
Usage:hadoop fs -mv <src> <dest>

hadoop fs -mv /chiru/hari.txt /rohith/
hdfs dfs -mv  /chiru/hari.txt /rohith/

16. cp:
How to use cp commands in hadoop
The cp command copies a file from one directory to another directory within the HDFS.
Usage:hadoop fs -cp <src> <dest>

hadoop fs -cp /rohith/ram.txt /chiru/
hdfs dfs -cp  /rohith/ram.txt /chiru/

17. chown:
How to use chown commands in hadoop :
Here we are changing the owner of a file name sample using the chown command.
Usage:hadoop fs -chown [-R] [owner] [:[group]] <path>

18. chgrp:
How to use chgrp commands in hadoop :
The Hadoop fs shell command chgrp changes the group of the file specified in the path.
The user must be the owner of the file or superuser.
Usage:hadoop fs -chgrp <group> <path>

19. setrep:
How to use setrep commands in hadoop :
Here we are trying to change the replication factor of the ‘ram.txt’ and 'mahesh.txt' file present in test directory on the HDFS filesystem
Usage: hadoop fs -setrep <rep> <path>

20. du:
How to use du commands in hadoop :
This Hadoop fs shell command du prints a summary of the amount of disk usage of all files/directories in the path.
Usage:hadoop fs –du –s /directory/filename
hdfs dfs -du /chiru
hdfs dfs -du -s /chiru 
21. df:
How to use df commands in hadoop :
The Hadoop fs shell command df shows the capacity, size, and free space available on the HDFS file system.
The -h option formats the file size in the human-readable format.
Usage:hadoop fs -df [-h] <path>

22. stat
How to use stat commands in hadoop :In the below example, we are using the stat command to print the information about file ‘mahesh.txt' present in the test directory of HDFS.
Usage: hadoop fs -stat [format] <path>
The Hadoop fs shell command stat prints the statistics about the file or directory in the specified format.


%b –    file size in bytes
%g –    group name of owner
%n –    file name
%o –    block size
%r  –    replication
%u –    user name of owner

%y –    modification date

23. help:
How to use help commands in hadoop :
The Hadoop fs shell command help shows help for all the commands or the specified command.
Usage:hadoop fs -help [command]

24. count:
How to use count commands in hadoop :
Usage:hadoop fs -count [options] <path>

The Hadoop fs shell command count counts the number of files, directories, and bytes under the paths that matches the specified file pattern.

-q  –  shows quotas(quota is the hard limit on the number of names and amount of space used for individual directories)
-u  –  it limits output to show quotas and usage only
-h  –  shows sizes in a human-readable format
-v  –  shows header line

Access Hadoop UI from Browser:

Hadoop NameNode: Use your preferred browser and navigate to your localhost URL or IP. The default port number 9870 gives you access to the Hadoop NameNode UI:


Hadoop DataNode: The default port 9864 is used to access individual DataNodes directly from your browser:


YARN Resource Manager: The YARN Resource Manager is accessible on port 8088:


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