Local Mode or Stand alone Mode :
- The default mode run by the Hadoop is the stand alone mode.
- This mode is majorly used in case of debugging where HDFS will not be used.
- In this mode both the input and the output can be used as local file system.
- No Custom configuration required for mapred-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml and core-site.xml.
- This mode is the fastest modes in Hadoop as the local file system is used for both the input and the output.
Installation of HADOOP in STANDALONE MODE:
Standalone mode is the default mode of operation of Hadoop and it runs on a single node ( a node is your machine).
Software Requirements:• Oracle Virtual Box 5.x
• Ubuntu Desktop OS 18.x(64bit)
• Hadoop-3.1.0
• OpenJdk version-8 Hardware Requirements:
• Minimum RAM required: 4GB (Suggested: 8GB)
• Minimum Free Disk Space: 25GB
By default, Hadoop is configured to run in a non-distributed or standalone mode, as a single Java process. There are no daemons running and everything runs in a single JVM instance. HDFS is not used. We don't have to do anything as far as configuration is concerned, except the JAVA_HOME. Just download the tar file and unzip it
Installation Procedure:
Java Installation
1. sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
(java home : /usr/lib/jvm/Java-8-openjdk-amd64)
/* Check the path of java */
bdsa@bdsa-VirtualBox:~$ readlink -f /usr/bin/javac
Installation of HADOOP
Download the Hadoop file from hadoop. apache.org
wget https://dlcdn.apache.org/hadoop/common/hadoop-3.3.4/hadoop-3.3.4.tar.gz
/* file extraction */
2. tar -zxvf hadoop-3.3.4.tar.gz
/* creation of hadoop home directory */
3. sudo mkdir /usr/lib/hadoop3
/* change ownership to hadoop3 */
4. sudo chown <username> /usr/lib/hadoop3
/* Move extracted file to hadoop home directory */
5. sudo mv hadoop-3.3.4/* /usr/lib/hadoop3
6. cd /usr/lib/hadoop3
cd /home/username (change directory to ubuntu home)
pwd (present working directory)
/* Running Hadoop in standalone Mode from Hadoop Home Directory */
7.Set the path of java
bdasa@bdasa-VirtualBox:/usr/lib/hadoop3$cd etc/
bdasa@bdasa-VirtualBox:/usr/lib/hadoop3/etc$ ls
bdasa@bdasa-VirtualBox:/usr/lib/hadoop3/etc$ cd hadoop/
bdasa@bdasa-VirtualBox:/usr/lib/hadoop3/etc/hadoop$ ls
capacity-scheduler.xml kms-log4j.properties
configuration.xsl kms-site.xml
container-executor.cfg log4j.properties
core-site.xml mapred-env.cmd
hadoop-env.cmd mapred-env.sh
hadoop-env.sh mapred-queues.xml.template
hadoop-metrics2.properties mapred-site.xml
hadoop-policy.xml shellprofile.d
hadoop-user-functions.sh.example ssl-client.xml.example
hdfs-rbf-site.xml ssl-server.xml.example
hdfs-site.xml user_ec_policies.xml.template
httpfs-env.sh workers
httpfs-log4j.properties yarn-env.cmd
httpfs-site.xml yarn-env.sh
kms-acls.xml yarnservice-log4j.properties
kms-env.sh yarn-site.xml
bdasa@bdasa-VirtualBox:/usr/lib/hadoop3/etc/hadoop$ nano hadoop-env.sh
8. bin/hadoop
Standalone mode is the default mode of operation of Hadoop and it runs on a single node ( a node is your machine). HDFS and YARN doesn't run on standalone mode.
Standalone Mode is the default operation of Hadoop Eco System where the hadoop services will run in the Single JVM. As in this experiment basic Java installation and extraction of the Hadoop files are sufficient to run the Hadoop services.